Stylized Roman Aqueduct
Solo project using UE5 PCG, Gaea, Maya, Substance Painter & Designer, Zbrush, SpeedTree
Break down the reference
create the block modules, and assemble them in UE5
set up camera
create tilling textures (bricks )
for the stylized terrain textures, CREATE OR BUY
grab the map height map and use Gaea to detail the landscape
Using Zbrush to detail each module and apply the tilling textures
repalce blockout with detailed modules
create stylized foliage using SpeedTree
using PCG to set dress
light post-processing
finish all the modules, pass 1
should refine and finish all the modules pass 2
pass 3 modules are adding decals, vertex painting maybe
refine landscape in UE5 and export the heightmap in Gaea to detail and get masks
get the pass1 terrain
get more trees and bush and ground cover
more stylized tileable textures